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Promoting Well-being with Honey and Medicinal Herbs

What exciting times we live in where we have so much knowledge and information from the past, right here at our fingertips. This page is for a bit of fun, lets say for entertainment purposes only. Do your own research if delving deeper, however lets play a little.

Honey Infusion



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Herbal honey infusions make medicinal herbs taste delicious. Use infused honey by the spoonful, on toast, in tea; they also make a beautiful addition to other herbal remedies.     A few favorite honey infusions:

Simple Sleep Remedy:

1/2 cup Chamomile flowers

1/2 cup Lavender flowers

Top up the jar with Raw Honey.


* Seal and place in a cool dark spot to infuse for 4-6 weeks.

* Before filtering out the herb, place the jar in the sun for an hour.

* Once filtered, use over a desert, in a soothing bedtime drink.


A Remedy for Winter Colds:

A chunk of fresh ginger.

1 Lemon

Raw Honey


* Slice the ginger and also the lemon fairly thin.

* Layer a few slices of ginger, then a few of lemon followed by a tablespoon or two of honey. Repeat until the jar is full.

* Store refrigerated with a weight on top so all plant matter is covered with liquid. A spoonful is great for a soothing tea.



Oxymel is a honey and vinegar herbal elixir, with a long tradition of use as a healing tonic. Centuries-old documents show Hippocrates prescribed it; as did Hildegarde of Bingen, and Pliny the Elder wrote of it. Oxymel has positive effects on the cardiovascular system, and has antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. Compound oxymel formulations have been shown to provide additional benefits depending on the inclusion of specific medicinal herbs.

Respiratory Health, Cold & Flu season elixir:

Cloves of garlic (Bruised slightly)

1/2 cup loosely packed Thyme & Sage

1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1 cup Raw Honey


* Steep your herbs in a jar (non metal lid) along with the bruised Garlic.

* Top up with the Apply Cider Vinegar. (Be aware of the amount you use, so you can use equal amount of honey later.)

* Seal and place in a cool dark spot for 4-6 weeks.

* Strain the Vinegar through a fine sieve into a pot. Warm the vinegar gently as you stir in the honey until dissolved.

* Pop it in a bottle, label and store in the fridge for up to 6 months.








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Electuary paste_edited

An electuary is a delicious paste made with powdered herbs and honey. From ancient Arab culture through to European mid-eighteenth century, the electuary was popular on its own but was also used in combination with other herbal preparations, During the Middle Ages, electuaries made up the majority of pharmacological remedies; they were often used as the first treatment for illness and to help patients keep up their strength during a long illness.

Golden Milk Paste Immune Boost Electuary:

1/4 cup each of powdered ginger and tumeric

2 Tbsp each of powdered cinnamon and black pepper

1 1/2 tsp powdered fennel, nutmeg and cardamom

3/4 tsp powdered clove

1 cup Fergo's Farm Raw Honey.   

Add a spoon full of the paste to your favorite type of warmed milk. 


* Powder your herbs in a coffee grinder so they are fine.

* Place your herbs in a bowl with equal amounts of Raw Honey.

* Stir well to combine then scoop your paste into a jar.

* Keep it in the fridge for 6-8 months.

Giving Credit and thanks:

Inspiration for this page was gained from many wonderful Herbalists, Natropaths and Wildcrafters. If your keen to investigate further I recommend Hawthorn & Honey; Herbal Academy; Mountain Rose Herbs; Grow Forage Cook Ferment

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