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Healing Herb Balm Breakdown

Medicinal Herbs in History

Using Healing Herbs in remedies is as old as mankind itself. Early records showing preparations to relieve illnesses date back to 5000 year old Somerian clay slabs found in India. In 2500 BC records show the Chinese using many dried parts of medicinal plants. Then in Egypt, Ebers Papyrus dates back to 1550 BC, which refers to 700 medicinal plant species used in preparation for healing. Today, with contemporary science acknowledging their active action, the list of plants with known medicinal properties is around 5800 in the Chinese materia medica.


This page gives a breaks down a few of the wonderful healing herbs used by Fergo's Farm for their Balms.

Disclaimer: The content shared here is intended for information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult your medical practitioner for a diagnosis of what ails you.

Herbs infused in our balms


Chickweed - Stellaria media

Parts used: Aerial portions (leaves, stems & flowers).

Plant preparations: Cream/lotion, salve, tincture, vinegar, food, succus (expressed juice).

Plant used for: A common weed that can be consumed as a garden green as it has high amounts of Vitamin C. It's a hydrating emollient due to it's mucilage properties. Chickweed has a great reputation for calming itchiness, irritation and redness. It's a cooling herb also used as an anti-inflamitory.

Calendula is used in our....


Calendula - Calendula officinalis

Parts used: Flower buds, flowers and leaves.

Plant preparations: Infusions, balms & creams, tincture, poultice, vinegar, food, succus (juice).

Plant used for: One of the best known herbs to promote skin healing. Apply topically for any issue involving skin rashes, inflammation or dry skin. Calendula is also known for it's anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties.

Calendula is used in our....

Darker Lavender_edited.jpg

Plantain - Plantago major

Parts used: Young leaves, roots & seeds.

Plant preparations: Infusion, tincture, poultice, vinegar, food, salve & balms.

Plant used for: This herb is widely used for insect bites & stings. Plantain has strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. A great wound healer that soothes hot, itchy rash.

Calendula is used in our....


Lavender - Lavandula officinalis

Parts used: Flower buds, aerial parts. 

Plant preparations: Tincture, tea, essential oil, culinary.

Plant used for: Used to ease nervous tension, stress and is a natural antidepressant. Lavender is antimicrobial and an antiseptic, so great for fungal & bacterial infections.

Lavender is used in our....


Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis

Parts used: Leaf and stem.

Plant preparations: Tea, poultice, tincture, food.

Plant used for: Lemon Balm has antiviral qualities giving relief to cold sores. It's a digestive stimulant, antidepressant and restorative for the nervous system, antibacterial and a carminative. 

Lemon Balm is used in our....


Arnica - Arnica montana

Parts used: Aerial portions, especially the flowers.

Plant preparations: Salve, cream / balm, tincture, hand or foot bath.

Plant used for: Arnica is known for it's ability to reduce swelling and it's a natural anti inflammatory. It a great herb to stimulate blood circulation. Arnica promotes healing as it causes reabsorption of internal bleeding in bruises and sprains.

Arnica is used in our....


Comfrey Leaf - Symphytum officinale

Parts used: Aerial parts and root.

Plant preparations: Cream, tincture, poultice, infused oil.

Plant used for: A potent anti-inflammatory wound healer, also known to encourage cell regrowth in connective tissues and bones. Great for sprains, sterains and muscle aches as it breaks down red blood cells in bruising. SHOULD NOT USED FOR DEEP OR INFECTED WOUNDS, as it could seal in an infection.

Comfrey Leaf is used in our....



Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis

Parts used: Leaves

Plant preparations: Culinary, herbal steam, tea, tincture, infusion.

Plant used for: Relax tension, ease depression, fight infections and improve digestion. Rosemary is also know to be a circulatory stimulant and to help with memory and cognitive connections.

Rosemary is used in our....


Marshmallow Root - Althaea officinalis

Parts used: Roots, leaves and flowers.

Plant preparations: Tea, decoction, infusion (internally & externally), ointment, tincture, poultice.

Plant used for: Helps to calm skin irritation and heals wounds, it's a diuretic and Marshmallow Root is a demulcent (soothes and protects mucus membrane) herb.

Marshmallow Root is used in our....


Peppermint - Mentha piperita

Parts used: Aerial portions (mainly leaves, flowers).

Plant preparations: Tea, infusions, tincture, compress soak, mouth wash, inhalation.

Plant used for: Helps to ease muscular cramps by relaxing peripheral blood vessels. Peppermint is a cooling carminative and antispasmodic herb.

Peppermint is used in our....


A heart felt thanks.

Reference material obtained from:

Elenor Tan & Jenny Adams "Herbal Manufacturing"; Nicola Peterson "Herbal Remedies", John Gallagher "Learning Herbs"; Penelope Ody Mhimh "Complete Medicinal Herbal"; Collen Codekas "Healing Herbal Infusions"; Carolyn Stubbin "Do it yourself Pure Plant Skin Care"

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